Sooil participated in the 75TH Scientific Session of American Diabetes
Association (ADA) held at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center from
5th to 9th June, 2015.Over 15,000 clinicians and 18,000 attendees from all
50 states in USA and 130 countries made this bustling session closed with
flying colors. With a large size booth of 800 square feet, Sooil was one of
the most spotlighted exhibitors during the whole session. Many clinicians
who visited our booth gave a lot of compliments on good quality, handy
design and high cost-effectiveness of DANA pump. Sooil also showed them new
NFC blood glucose meter and improved pc-software and mobile-application for
total diabetes management ubiquitous system, which drew lots of attention
with applause. This session was quite a successful event to enhance the
brand value of DANA insulin pump among not only American doctors but also
the clinicians from all over the world.